of famous Russian scientist-biochemist S.A.Popravko
The cream for Cinderella-skin
soft emulsion
The history of one cream
The history of one cream
new book about new currency
Russian version
 What can be more important and valuable for man than his health - the basis of his life?   

People, who constantly use bee honey, the supreme gift of terrestrial Flora and Fauna, live longer than other people, and happier in terms of state of mind, even if those possess millions and billions. And they, bees and their products, are accessible for all people.

The nature, in the form of bees and their products, is accessible for everybody in spite of barriers and restrictions of omnipotent money.

Another gift of Flora to bees - balms of summer under-leaf buds of white birch, poplar and aspens, which allow bees to create in beehives the ideal protection - propolis. It is capable to protect borders of our body, skin and feeding it blood capillaries and vessels, against free radicals – peroxides, destroying any organic substances, attacks of pathogenic microflora, rigid UF-light and dehydration by air. It is capable to protect capillaries and fine vessels of life, the whole huge peripheral vascular-cardiac system, to prolong terms of youth, promising people longevity and health.

Cosmetic propolis contains the best, faintly-allergenic form of Russian propolis, which has been quite deservedly named in the West «Russian penicillin» because of its outstanding, excellent antioxidant and protective properties. Bees collect such propolis from summer under-leaf buds of a birch. And the inhabitance of our climatic zone used during centuries its curative substances in Russian baths with bunch of green birch twigs.

The same substances underlie eternal and unfading painting – encaustic, using hot wax paints and keeping their primordial brightness during millenniums. The same substances fill with curative aroma our temples where true wax candles with labdanum fragrance of propolis are burning.

The same substances will begin to serve your skin, which is open to the world and its influence. It is a new biochemical cloth for your skin, sewed by the patterns of clever Nature and the best Science, in depth of which northern Russian propolis was researched. Its curative potential has been appreciated all over the world.

Emulsion propolis is producing only on the basis of natural food oils of cold wringing (oil of grape seeds, pine nuts and etc). Fresh-obtained bee wax in emulsion is additionally saturated with essential oils of nectar getting into beehive. Their contact with our skin considerably activates its metabolism, adjusting it on the maximum representation functions of the most attraction, brightness, natural aroma and chromaticity.

Cosmetic propolis is a very delicate emulsion, compatible with our skin as much as possible. It gives to the body of man the new state of health, reliable protection against harmful influences of the environment and unfavourable age-related changes in health, and first of all in internal sphere of his metabolism, when content of hormones in blood of man, which have activated lipidic and albuminous exchange in skin, begins to decrease.


Gentle emulsion with natural aroma, absolutely deprived of synthetic components, can be used at any time. It is the most reasonable to use it for the night, when regenerative processes in our skin and body are activating.

Subtle biochemistry of emulsion adjusts easily process of metabolism in skin, inducing it to be the main donor of forces of renewal and rejuvenation of human body as a whole. Therefore it is recommended to put the emulsion on as big parts of body as possible, protecting not only skin but also its capillaries and blood vessels from development of sclerous changes in all organism.

 Russian propolis is the champion among natural substances as for content of antioxidants - substances of «antiaging», and constant use of emulsion «cosmetic propolis» will vanish your anxieties concerning danger of «age illnesses», premature breakdown and withering of appearance.

The cream is ideal when using for massage, for children, around eyes` skin, for mucous and other problems of skin and body.

Recommended to be put on preliminary cleared skin before going to bed and in the morning before leaving house for protection against influence of environment and strengthening of its (skin) immune properties.

Cosmetic propolis is the best emulsion form of propolis, adapted for human skin as much as possible. It is a reliable protection for borders of your body.

Cosmetic propolis provides the ideal safety of skin integument at any age. This safety is provided with the same substances that during millions of years keep faultless sterility of beehive and its stocks, and protect gentle skin of bee larvae.


soft emulsion

ecologically pure product

no chemicals

no synthetic components



- Bee wax, saturated with essential oils of nectar;

- vegetable oils (of grape seeds, olive, nuts of Siberian pine);

- bioactive complex of faintly-allergenic propolis collected by bees from white birch buds  («northern Russian»   phylum), enriched with bioflavonoids and phenolic triglycerides;

- glycoprotein emulsifier, providing physicochemical state of emulsion similar to natural fatty layer of skin